About Us
House Kombucha is a woman founded and operated business based in San Leandro, CA. House Kombucha was founded 12 years ago when people were just starting to learn about kombucha. From homemade, small batch kombucha to a professional operation, House Kombucha has only gotten better with time. We maintain our low-sugar and low calorie, mild and delicious tea profiles while growing our flavor line and going all organic.
The owner likes to put quotes from the Baha'i Faith on the bottles for inspiration. The Baha'i Faith is a new revelation confirming the oldest teachings that there is only One God and One people and all religions come from One God. The central teaching for today is the importance of unity while appreciating diversity and the elimination of all prejudice.
Make my prayer, O my Lord,
a fountain of living waters whereby I may live
as long as Thy sovereignty endureth,
and may make mention of Thee in every world of Thy worlds. - Baha'u'llah

The Fountain of Ridvan, Haifa Israel